While 2020 has been a challenge for most of us, Grow Warwood Pride is shifting gears to a brighter 2021. We plan to continue being our community’s premier nonprofit organization when it comes to preserving what is great about Warwood and creating even more greatness in our community.
On this Giving Tuesday, we are asking you to invest in Warwood. Our goal of raising $2,000 on this worldwide day of giving is only possible with your generous donation. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Grow Warwood Pride is committed to making every donation count. No salaries are paid to any volunteer. This means all of the money we raise is put back into our community.

Some of the highlights of Grow Warwood Pride include
• Trunk or Treat that draws over 400 kids to our safe Halloween alternative.
• Warwood Farmers Market’s farm fresh produce and weekly theme nights.
• Warwood Weekend Food Warrior bags for hungry kids in Warwood.
• Partnership in Education with Warwood School.
• The creation of Warwood’s Free Little Pantry during a worldwide pandemic.
• COVID-19 Safe Scavenger Hunts
We need your support today. Make a donation to your community, where you can see the difference.